Carnation --This beautiful flower is not well adapted for house
culture. It may, however, be grown in five-or-six-inch pots, using a
heavy soil, keeping in a cool temperature, about forty-five degrees at
night, watering regularly and spraying daily with as much force as
possible. For further information about growing the plants, see Part
II., page 181.

Carnation Marguerite --These are much better suited for the trials of
house culture. While not as large, they are in other respects fully as
beautiful. Take up the best sorts from the flower garden, cut back
severely and keep shaded until new growth starts.

Chrysanthemum --This is another beautiful flower not well suited to
house culture. However, if you have room,--it will take an eight-,
nine-or even ten-inch pot for each plant--and want to go to the trouble,
you can have it indoors. For cultural directions see Part II, page 185.

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